In an ever-evolving market the success of an organisation fully depends on the effective use of its resources. This includes keeping track of accurate and real-time information on each individual resource.
Manage employees and other resources:
All the resources you need to organize a project are manageable within ionBIZ, whether it is a permanent employee or a freelance employee, meeting room, cars or other materials.
Create flexible work schedules:
Modern times require flexible work schedules. Part-time employees or a 4/5 schedule where you have one week on Wednesday and the other on Friday off? That is possible with ionBIZ. In fact all workschedules you can think of can be created in ionBIZ.
Resource skillsmatrix:
Everyone knows each other well in a small organization. But if you grow, it is often difficult to keep an overview of everyone's competencies. With our Skillmatrix you can map all personal skills. You can add a level and / or provide certificates with due dates. Based on these skills you can quickly find and plan the right person for a certain task. And it turns out to be a super handy tool for your yearly performance interviews.

Manage holidays and illness:
If you want to schedule projects you have to take into account the approved holidays and absences. We help you to organize it and make it visually clear. Our flexcounters ensure a correct calculation of the overtime hours. The export for SD Workx of the performances made and the illness and days of leave provided ensure a smooth salary calculation. You can even enter or request holidays and illness via our ionBIZ app on your smartphone.
CV export:
Do you often send CVs from your colleagues to potential clients? Then our resume export is a functionality that you will be happy to use. With this you can export your colleague's experience to a Word file in no time, where you can further edit it.
Custom fields:
ionBIZ offers you the possibility to add fields yourself, without any programming knowledge. This helps you to configure ionBIZ tailored to your organization.
Extensive reports:
Nine standard reports provide immediate insight into performance, overtime, payroll, balance between billable and non-billable time and absences.