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Phone:   +32 (0)15 715 615
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Privacy Statement

This declaration was last updated in December 2022.

Your privacy is important to us.

In this statement we detail what personal data we collect and store, and how we use and process this information. We will also explain how we work with cookies and what this means when you use our software products.

This declaration applies to visits to the ionProjects websites, all communication between you and ionProjects, and the ionProjects software products.

Our privacy policy is aimed at the best possible protection of your data, in compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or AVG (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming) which goes into effect on May 25th 2018 within EU-member countries.

Collecting personal data

We collect personal information which can identify you, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of improving its accuracy and to better personalize our contacts with you.

Directly providing personal data to us can happen in the following circumstances, among others:

  • You wish to contact us directly
  • You fill in a contact form on our website
  • You wish to receive a quote
  • You want to become a customer
  • You are using our services
  • You are in need of support
  • You are making a payment for our products and/or services
  • You wish to become a supplier
  • You want to become a business partner
  • You are responding to a job application

Any request to limit the use of this information until the conclusion of an interaction will be respected.

Other ways relevant information can be gathered are:

  • While using our websites we collect data about your IP-address, your location, the time spent on our website, and which pages were visited. This information is used to improve your browsing experience and to estimate the scalability of our visitors.
  • An employee of ionProjects contacts you in function of a sale, to present our services, or to assist in a support or consultancy matter. Information gathered in this way includes your name, contact information of your company and other data relevant to the organization.

Finally, we can gather information related to you through third parties. In this case we will ask the data gatherers to supply the necessary legal guaranties that the information can be used.

Use of personal information

Your personal data can be used for a variety of purposes. Listed below are some examples.

Processing an inquiry

Upon receiving an inquiry concerning our products and/or services the information you supply will be used to process this inquiry. This data can be exchanged with a third party, like a business partner, if it is deemed relevant for the satisfactory conclusion of the inquiry.

Delivery of products and/or services

When you enter into an agreement with us concerning our products and/or services, we will use the provided information for the follow-up and execution of the agreement.

We can also use this information in the following cases:

  • Making an invoice for our products and/or services
  • Collecting payments
  • Offering support
  • Providing information

It is possible we can exchange relevant data with third parties for this.


The directly or indirectly gathered information can be used for targeted marketing purposes concerning our products and/or services. At any given time you can opt out of receiving any marketing material from us.


Your information can be used for statistical purposes. Based on the data an internal investigation will be done to reveal the specific needs of a target audience or geographical market. These statistics are used solely for internal purposes, to improve our services and optimize our sales.

Job application

Responding to a job application will include supplying necessary information to us, for example a CV. This information will be used internally to process and conclude your application. Upon request this data can be discarded after the position has been filled.

Exchanging of personal information with third parties

No data will be shared with third parties except in the following cases:

  • You give permission to publish your information.
  • When, upon your request or in function of the agreement between ionProjects and you, it is required to cooperate with one of our partners or a third party. For example, when linking our products to a third party product.
  • If for legal reasons, under court order or procedure we are forced to reveal your data to the justice department, police, or other government agencies.
    When our, or one of our business partners, suppliers, or customers rights are violated and/or are in need of protecting; your information can be provided to our lawyers and/or legal authorities in question.
  • When ionProjects is completely or partially taken over the data can be provided to the potential buyer(s).

Our products include links to products of third parties. When you provide personal information to one of these products, they fall under the privacy policy of the respective product.

If your information is provided to a non-EU member state, we will take into account the applicable legislation.

Protecting personal data

We provide all reasonable necessary physical, administrative, and technical precautions to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, abuse, or unwanted publication.

For example certain data is encrypted when sent across the internet. Passwords used for logging into one of our products are stored encrypted.

Notwithstanding these measures we can never guarantee absolute security.


IonProjects as Data Controller

IonProjects data deletion policy:

Personal data shall be deleted whenever it is no longer necessary to process the personal data to fulfil the purpose it was collected for, at the latest 3 years after last registered activity. Exceptions might be possible if there is a legitimate purpose for processing the data longer than 3 years.


IonProjects as Data Processor

IonProjects data deletion policy:

The GDPR states that data shall be deleted without any delay when the customer has terminated their contract with ionProjects. Our policy is that data shall be deleted at the latest 6 months (preferably earlier) after the customer agreement has been terminated, unless otherwise agreed with the customer. 

Questions about privacy and personal information

Any questions about our privacy declaration or the way your data is stored and used can be directed to our DPO (Data Protection Officer).

When you wish to access or remove your personal information, our DPO is also the designated contact. We will respond to this request within 30 days.

Our DPO can be reached by email:



© 2025 ionProjects - Privacy statement